BioPharma Crescent Workforce Overview
Pharmaceutical manufacturing companies have been operating in our area for almost 50 years. During that time, our workforce has grown in size and sophistication to support the ever changing needs of this industry.
10,000+ Biopharma employees in our region
Industry Expansions are creating new jobs for area residents
Our skilled workforce and exceptional training programs are available to meet the needs of the region’s pharmaceutical industry
500+ additional Life Science companies and North Carolina’s Research Triangle are within one hour’s drive
NC Pharmaceutical Services Network
North Carolina Pharmaceutical Services Network (NCPSN) is a one-of-a kind collaboration that provides a continuum of pharmaceutical education and training to new and existing companies in North Carolina and beyond. Services were developed with significant industry input and can be customized to accommodate specific company needs.
East Carolina University: PSN@ECU is a laboratory-based education and training network. Offerings include GMP/GLP courses, short courses, and analytical services.
Pitt Community College: PSN@PCC provides a pilot plant type manufacturing environment and lab scale equipment to teach oral solid dosage theory and manufacturing technique.
““Graduates of the GMP class are highly prized by the region’s pharmaceutical companies and often have employment offers before graduation.””
Eastern Region Pharma Center
The Eastern Region Pharma Center, which is housed in a 141,500-square-foot building on the campus of East Carolina University, will lead the efforts of five regional community colleges and 15 pharmaceutical companies to promote workforce development, helping to meet fast-growing industry demand.
The Life Sciences and Biotechnology building will be the new home for ECU students and faculty in biotechnology, bioprocessing engineering, biophysics, environmental engineering, biofuels, plant biology, imaging and sensor development, and environmental biology.
Workforce Development Center
The crown jewel of workforce training initiatives in Johnston County is our Workforce Development Center. Located on Best Wood Drive in Clayton, this 30,000 square foot state-of-the-art educational and technical skills training center is focused on life sciences programming, business training, and workforce development in biotechnology and other sciences. The WDC is a collaborative effort between Johnston County, Johnston County Public Schools, Johnston County Economic Development and Johnston Community College, as well as local industries.
ECU Bioprocess Engineering
ECU Bioprocess Engineering offers a unique and valuable educational experience. Coursework includes the ECU engineering core, micro biology, and organic chemistry, complemented by bioprocessing topics such as fermentation, separation, plant design and bioprocess quality. The breadth of the bioprocess engineering experience means that graduates have many career options, from ecosystems protection to food safety to bioenergy, biofuels and human health.
Biotechnology Program, Pitt Community College
The Biotechnology curriculum, which has emerged from molecular biology and chemical engineering, is designed to meet the increasing demands for skilled laboratory technicians in various fields of biological and chemical technology.
Life Science Manufacturers Draw Many Rural, Commuting Workers
An employee commuting survey of 14 biomanufacturing and other life science companies east of Raleigh shows a dramatic jobs impact on rural counties as well as urban areas, says Mark Phillips, Vice President of Statewide Operations and Executive Director of the Eastern Office of the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
The surveyed companies, collectively employing nearly 8,000 workers, draw many of their employees from 59 of North Carolina’s 100 counties, most of them rural, the survey found. For additional insight and to read the full article, visit the North Carolina Biotechnology Center’s website.